
Dukesha e Sussex-it, Meghan Markle u quajt një “mbretëreshë e vërtetë” mbrëmjen e së enjtes nga fansat mbretërorë, të cilët nuk hezituan ta komentojnë shfaqjen e saj të parë në publik në Britaninë e Madhe, pas vendimit për t’u larguar nga mbretëria.

Meghan Markle, dukej e mrekullueshme në fustanin blu të dizajnuar nga shtëpia e modës së Victoria Beckham-it, ndërsa ndoqi mbrëmjen e ndarjes së çmimeve në “Mansion House” në Londër së bashku me Princin Harry, të enjten.

Kjo është paraqitja e parë zyrtare e çiftit në Mbretërinë e Bashkuar pas krizës së ashtuquajtur “Megxit” dhe përgatitjeve për të hequr dorë nga detyrat e tyre mbretërore dhe titulli “mbretërorë të vijës së parë”.

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Tonight in London, for their third consecutive year, The Duke and Duchess of Sussex attended the annual Endeavour Fund Awards, which celebrates the achievements of those veterans injured in service who have taken part in remarkable sporting and adventure challenges over the last year. By choosing to take on what seems impossible, these men and women not only set goals for themselves but have also inspired millions of people around the world. These annual awards bring together The Duke and The Duchess alongside wounded, injured and sick Service personnel and veterans as well as their families, friends and supporters of the military community. The Duke, who founded the @EndeavourFund, spoke on the night: • “The Endeavour Fund came from seeing the gaping hole that can be left after taking off that uniform. The power that sport and adventurous challenge plays in recovery, yes; but most of all – the chance to be part of a team again while attempting to achieve unthinkable challenges – as if being shot or blown up wasn’t enough, you guys continue to impress, inspire and challenge what it means to have a life changing injury.” • Since its launch in 2012, the Endeavour Fund has supported 108 projects that have directly assisted over 6,000 of those injured in service. Congratulations to all those who participated in endeavours over the last year and inspired others to push the boundaries of what’s possible! #EndeavorFundAwards

A post shared by The Duke and Duchess of Sussex (@sussexroyal) on Mar 5, 2020 at 2:34pm PST


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